Religious Trauma Counseling

in South Carolina, Florida, and Utah

What is Religious Trauma?

Wondering if you have religious trauma? Here are some common symptoms that can help you make sense of your experience: 

  • Experiencing discomfort with sexual intimacy due to purity culture

  • Sense of isolation, being an “outsider” if you leave the community

  • Pervasive feelings of guilt and shame

  • A loss of a community

  • Experiencing scrupulosity or Religious OCD symptoms

  • Sexual shame, self-loathing, feeling inherently bad

  • Feeling “behind the times” 

  • Labeled “sinner” or “broken” for disagreeing with the religious community

  • Inability to trust self

  • Struggling to find a purpose outside of the community

  • Use of doctrine to justify abuse 

  • Brainwashing/forced to follow community’s rules

  • Feeling “lesser than” due to sexuality or gender

  • Sexual abuse in marriage, being forced to have sex for a higher purpose

  • Assignment of gender roles, most commonly roles that denigrate women

Religion has a lot of benefits in society, but sometimes it can cause unwanted confusion, pain, and heartache. I specialize in working with people who have been hurt by their religious community or are questioning their faith or belief system.

My specialties: Deconstruction, Faith Crisis, Faith Transitions, Religious Trauma, Spiritual Abuse, Scrupulosity, Purity Culture, Women’s Issues, Discovering and Embracing Sexuality, LGBTQ+

Religious/spiritual groups I typically work with are Mormon, IBLP, Southern Baptist, Catholic, PCA, fundamentalist, and people who attended religious schools such as Bob Jones University.

I provide online IFS therapy services for anyone in South Carolina, including Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville, SC. I also provide services in Utah, including Orem, Spanish Fork, Springville, and Provo, UT.

Appointment Information


I offer virtual sessions with anyone in South Carolina and Florida

I offer virtual or in-person sessions for anyone in Utah

I have openings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

9 am -7 pm

I am a level one IFS-trained therapist


$75  |  30 min session

$120  |  50 min session

Initial 15-minute consultations are available for free


Clients are self-pay

I can help you submit superbills to your insurance.